Help Documentation

Quick Start

Our tool helps you convert numbers to English words quickly and accurately. Whether you need to write numbers in words for checks, documents, or learning English, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter a number in the input field (can include commas and decimal points)
  2. Choose conversion type:
    • Words: Convert numbers to English text description (e.g., "123" becomes "one hundred twenty-three")
    • Currency: Convert numbers to currency amount in words (e.g., "123.45" becomes "one hundred twenty-three dollars and forty-five cents")
  3. Select output format:
    • lowercase: all letters in lowercase
    • UPPERCASE: all letters in uppercase
    • Title Case: first letter of each word capitalized
    • Sentence case: only first letter of sentence capitalized
  4. Click the "Convert" button to see the result

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the maximum number supported?

Our tool supports up to 15 digits for the integer part and 2 decimal places.

2. Why is my number format showing an error?

Please ensure:

3. How do I copy the conversion result?

Click the copy button on the right side of the result box, or manually select and copy the text.

Tips & Tricks